Thursday, June 30, 2022

2022 Pukaskwa Lead Up

We are going back. The original three being Duff, Pierre and Keith are now being joined by Nenad. We’ve been planning for sometime now and having last year’s hike under our belts, not only are we better prepared mentally but the boys have invested in some better gear giving us all the assets we feel we need to accomplish this. 

The photo shows our last prewilderness night. Well, that’s if the Wawa Motor Inn counts. A nice spot to prep for an adventure! 

The coastal Trail in a Pukaskwa National Park is a 64 km one-way out and back trail. There are many different strategies to employ when trying to accomplish the entire hike. We are planning eight nights in the bush and nine days on the trail to accomplish this trail.

We are hopeful that an earlier start this year and a completed boardwalk will give us all the mental edge we need to at least get through the first couple days. That point covering some new ground should be engaging enough, and by then there’s no doubt our pace will be consistent and our routines will be set.

We look forward to summarizing our daily activities on the trail once again this year and sharing them with you hopefully you find it worthwhile and perhaps even enjoyable.

Let’s do this! 

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