Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Pukaskwa Coastal Trail: The Lead Up!

O the anticipation! With only 16k planned for day one on the trail, we decided a leisurely drive from Ottawa to Sault Ste. Marie was in order. It turned out there was a great steak waiting for us at Chuck’s which was right beside the hotel. We chatted about the daunting adventure ahead, and interestingly enough, talked a lot about that steak during the daunting adventure! 

Getting up the next morning and continuing the shorter drive to Pukaskwa had us stopping in Wawa for a coffee and lunch before rolling into the campground around 1:30pm. After a brief mandatory orientation session with park staff we were on our way. 

The drive up the east side of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee is truly a pleasure in itself. This lake is stunning, you could see how some of the early European explores mistook it for the Pacific Ocean. Infact, perhaps the fancy watches of PR and KD thought it may have been the Pacific as well if they were tracking the mileage from Ottawa. 

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